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Category: solarlog

How My YouTube Channel Was Destroyed

This week, my YouTube channel was victim to some malicious copy-strikes from a home inspector in Arizona. Short story, I exposed his arrogance in a blog post on last year, that post was used in a hearing against him earlier this month, and he chose to lash out.

The videos he copyright-struck were on a secondary channel from my main channel, and they were uploaded as unlisted, used only to support proper embedding into the blog post, and to avoid losing parts of the record. This is clearly a “fair use” situation.

Clearly pissed about my post being used against him in court (unbeknownst to me, might I add), he copy-struck ALL videos uploaded, including videos he did not own. This is against the policy for how the DMCA takedowns feature is allowed to be used, but YouTube has very little recourse for a smaller creator like me to fight malicious actors who know how to play the system.

The secondary channel was taken down, obviously, but what I didn’t realize was that any YouTube channels on the same Google account are also often disabled when this happens. And so, the solarboi’s YouTube presence disappeared. All videos, all subscribers.

Yes, YouTube has some tools for submitting for a repeal of this decision, but it’s extremely limited, and I’ve exhausted all the ones I can find already.

I’ll be doing my best to rebuild what I’ve lost, but I need all of YOUR help with this, too. I don’t intend to be cowed by well-known but insecure entities, but that only works when others feel the same way.

If you enjoy what I do, and support my work to inform the solar industry’s workers and customers, please consider sharing this post and subscribing to my new YouTube channel! To all those who have already shared the new channel and subscribed, thank you all so much for your support, it’s very appreciated. ❤️

By the way, please do not attempt to find the person responsible to harass or bully them in any way. He’s not worth it, I’m fully past the possibility of getting my channel back, and I don’t want to get into it with him any further. He’s a silly boi, and he’s playing games and finding out the hard way all on his own. I’d just like to wash my hands of this entire situation and move on.

This coming week, I hope to release a video where I’m playing with arc fault testing, which promises to be fun, and start a conversation around needing better tools for maintenance. Hope to see you there. 😄

Crystalline Solar is Forever

Editors note: When initially publishing this, I was unaware that the sample size for the study in France was pretty small and there may be some notable omissions from the PV Mag article. Keep your brain in gear, dear reader.

Perovskites punching air rn.

From Gwénaëlle Deboutte at PV Magazine:

New testing conducted at France’s oldest PV system have shown that its solar modules can still provide performance values in line with what the manufacturers promised.

The testing showed that the modules still produce on average 79.5% of their initial power after 31 years of operation. In a previous testing carried out 11 years ago, the panels were found to produce 91.7% of their initial power.

An average of 0.66% degradation every year over the course of 30 years of use is incredible, even though it’s clear that the third decade brings more degradation than the first two. The fact that solar panels I installed 10 years ago will still have significant usefulness in 20 years is amazing.

It IS likely that most solar panels won’t be given the option to last for 30+ years in their original place of installation. Investors are usually gonna scrap the slower-replicating money in chase of the faster-replicating money, as technology advances. However, I wonder if we’ll see an increase in selling these older panels to countries that aren’t as desperate to get the latest solar tech. After all, the best alternative to recycling is reuse.

I’ve been convinced that perovskites, what we’re all looking toward as the proverbial future rocket fuel in this industry, could never dream for this kind of reliability. Reliability has long been the kryptonite of this technology. It’s a problem that we keep hearing is on the verge of a solution, as this study from Rice University claims:

A Rice University study featured on the cover of Science describes a way to synthesize formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3)—the type of crystal currently used to make the highest-efficiency perovskite solar cells—into ultrastable, high-quality photovoltaic films. The overall efficiency of the resulting FAPbI3solar cells decreased by less than 3% over more than 1,000 hours of operation at temperatures of 85 degrees Celsius (185 Fahrenheit).

“Right now, we think that this is state of the art in terms of stability,” said Rice engineer Aditya Mohite, whose lab has achieved progressive improvements in the perovskites’ durability and performance over the past several years. “Perovskite solar cells have the potential to revolutionize energy production, but achieving long-duration stability has been a significant challenge.”

This is, let me be clear, WAY better than anything we’ve seen so far. I don’t know how comparable 1,000 hrs of operation at 85°C is to one year in an Arizona desert, but that’s way more successful than anyone else has been so far. Just this February, advancements were being trumpeted about only 10% degradation after 700 hrs of operation. But given that there’s about 8,000 hrs of sunlight a year (depending on a number of factors, obviously), perovskites are going to have a hard time reaching that <1%-degradation-per-year threshold.

However, some companies are already convinced they’ve fixed the degradation issue and that perovskites are ready for prime time, as Marian Willuhn writes in PV Magazine:

Utmo Light, a Chinese perovskite company, is showcasing its first commercial perovskite solar module this week at the SNEC PV trade show in Shanghai. The Module UL-M12-G1 measures 1,200 mm x 600 mm and is available in four power classes, ranging from 110 W to 130 W.

Utmo Light President Zhenrui Yu told pv magazine at SNEC in Shanghai that the first target for the new perovskite modules will be building-integrated PV (BIPV) applications.

Yu said the panels have passed all IEC testing for solar modules and can withstand a 2,300-hour UV bath at 1,000 watts per square meter and 60 C, for 12 years of operation without degradation.

These panels are 1200m x 600mm, with a max of 130w, with a cost of around $.19 per watt (not accounting for whatever tariffs may or may not apply). That IS better than the cost of roughly $.30 per watt for a crystalline panel. But the max efficiency you can get from these perovskites at this stage of production is about 18.06% (180.6 w/m² at 1000 w/m² of irradiance).

To take a random contrasting example, Axitec’s 550w monocrystalline panel (AC-550MBT/144V) is 2278mm x 1134mm, making a total efficiency of about 21.29% (212.9 w/m² at 1000 w/m² of irradiance).

So comparatively, this commercial perovskite panel from Utmo is extremely meh as an introductory product, given its lackluster efficiency. Despite a (maybe?) better price, it can’t currently touch crystalline silicon in production.

This does make sense, though. As the Rice University article mentions, the higher efficiency perovskites are the most unstable, so Utmo has probably solved for 2D perovskites (most stable, least efficient) and plans to build up from there. 3D perovskites, which contain the power-density we all dream of, still have a ways to go before they hit the market.

There’s a part of me that is hopelessly skeptical of how much time and effort it has taken to get this technology to market. How is it possible that this can EVER be stable, when it feels like all the resources of the planet can’t get us to where we want to be, after decades of research?

Yet at the same time, I didn’t have a front row seat to the development of the ever-lasting crystalline tech that our industry now depends upon. I didn’t have the chance to watch research develop, or companies hype unfinished technology, so it’s easy to take for granted the struggles of the past while I criticize the struggles of today.

I will continue to be skeptical, but perhaps…crystalline solar may not be forever.

SMA Core 1 inverter loses serial number!

Ever had an issue with SMA inverters losing their serial number? Here’s how to fix it!

This is an example of this happening to me recently, and I’ll give some more details below the video, if you’re struggling with this same issue.

I’ve only ever seen this happen on the first iteration of the Core 1 inverter, the -40 model. The symptom is a wifi signal from the inverter that’s showing a “0900” number in the SSID. For instance, in a normal SSID, I’d expect to see the name be “SMA3000XXXXXX”— basically, “SMA”, plus the serial number visible on the exterior inverter label. But when the inverter loses its serial, it makes up a completely different serial for itself, usually starting in “0900”. In my case, I was seeing “SMA0900022963”.

This issue can cause problems with communication and general administration of the device, so it should be fixed, if possible. However, I’ve never seen this issue be responsible for lost power, so it’s a low-level problem, in the grand scheme of things.

The fix for this can only be accomplished through Level 2 of SMA’s tech support (call +1 (877) 697-6283). Level 1 will get your information, tell you your case number, and send you to Level 2.

Level 2 will need to screen-share with your laptop (Windows only), while your laptop is on the same network with the inverters themselves. You need to visit the login page of the inverter, but instead of the ending url being “login” (i.e. “https://<IP-Address-of-inverter>/#/login”), it needs to be “loginadvanced” (i.e. “https://<IP-Address-of-inverter>/#/loginadvanced”).

From there, to log into the “Service” user group, SMA’s tech will need to generate a password from that serial number you saw in the WiFi SSID earlier. In my case, “900022963”. There’s often a lot of confusion from the technician at this part. They’ll be fine, they’ll figure it out eventually. Last I knew, their password generates from the “serial number”, WITHOUT any zeros at the beginning.

Once the Service user group has been logged into, the only thing that needs done is typing in the correct serial number in Parameters->Type Label->Type Label->Serial Number.

Easy peasy, but you’re heavily reliant on that password from SMA for this fix.

Issue Solved: Fronius MPPT1 dropping production

I’ve been fighting with two identically installed Fronius Symo Advanced (10kW) inverters over the last month, and I think I’ve finally fixed it. It’s very strange, and seems to be an issue in the firmware of the inverter, itself.

The installation looks like this. They are two carports (only one is pictured), identically oriented, with north, south, east, and west arrays. The east and west arrays are smaller and hooked up to a Fronius Primo 3.8 on each carport, obviously using different MPPTs for different arrays. The same thing is the case for the north and south arrays: they’re hooked up to a Symo Advanced 10.0 at each carport.

The problem is that MPPT1, hooked up to the north array on each carport, drops off during high irradiance days. Check it out.

You can see when it starts producing in the morning, drops to nothing, then later in the day, it jumps back up and starts producing. Sometimes it takes until after noon, and sometimes, like pictured above, it comes back up when the irradiance dips and MPPT2 produces less for a bit.

This only happens on higher irradiance days with good, bright sun, and on both carports. On cloudier days, both north and south arrays on both carports produce equally, as you’d expect with diffuse sun.

Fronius tech support was no help with this one. We made sure firmware was up to date (fro34310 at the time, for those following along), but beyond that they were extremely confident that there was something wrong with our wiring or our array setup, but couldn’t give me proper direction. It may have simply been the one tech I was talking to, but he was extremely frustratingly not budging on his assessment. It doesn’t help that there are no error codes triggered with this problem.

In troubleshooting, I couldn’t nail any issues to our set up for rapid shutdown devices; everything on site is rated to work with each other and is set up properly. Had some previous issues with dueling RSD transmitters tripping arc faults that I got sorted, so very confident that’s not an issue any more.

When I was onsite, however, I was able to shut off DC to the inverter and turn it back on within about 10-20 seconds, and the inverter jumped up to the proper production on all strings, so it would seem there’s nothing instantaneous in the array that’s causing MPPT strangeness.

Finally, I swapped MPPTs between arrays, putting the south array (highest producing) on MPPT1 and the north array (lowest producing) on MPPT2. After giving it some time, I think this one change solved my issue.

You can see in comparison to the first graph, that the north arrays seem to have no more issues with dropping off in production. The south arrays didn’t have the irradiance on this day that they had in the previous graph, but it’s enough that the north arrays would have dropped off if they were wired as they were originally.

My reckon is that this is directly related to the inverter wigging out when MPPT2 gets 5x or more the production of MPPT1, and only resets when MPPT2 stops rising. I’d imagine that most installations would put the main and highest producing arrays on MPPT1 by default anyway, so this issue would be very rarely seen. If you’re having this issue, try making sure MPPT1 gets the most production between the two, and it might fix it for you.

Weird weird issue.

Solar Adoption in Rural America

From Mike De Socio at CNET:

“We were able to find that adoption of these technologies is highly related to income,” Mayfield said. “We also find that education is also a main factor of these technologies.” In other words, rural Americans with higher incomes and more education are more likely to put solar panels on their roof or buy a heat pump.

I mean, yep.

And the big “solution” many companies turn to for low-income and low-education folks, is leasing. I’ve met maybe a handful of people who were a big fan of their lease, but they were markedly at the beginning of the craze in the early 2010s when the deals were much better. However, most leaseholders I’ve encountered, especially in recent times, have become cynical about solar, mainly due to poor service.

Solar leasing companies historically have very few service people available, and it often takes months of hassle to get people to come out. The usual scenario involves residents reaching out to the leasing company for months without a response or with dismissive gestures. As a last resort, the resident stops paying the monthly bill, finally grabbing the attention of the company. However, instead of getting someone to fix the system, the company contacts someone like me to disable the system outright until payment continues.

Every single one of those kinds of jobs I’ve seen are on low-income housing. When these leasing companies mess up, it reinforces the belief that solar is a scam. Paired with fast-talking salesmen with no morals, leasing is the fastest way to introduce solar to low-income Americans — and a recipe for alienation.

Best way to educate, as with anything you want to incentivize, is to increase the accessibility of ownership.

Fronius STATE 301

Inverter at question is a Fronius IG Plus 10kW, installed in 2010. When I arrived, the AC was turned off. Turned AC back on, plugged Data Logger back in. The first time the inverter finished its startup cycle, the house lights kinda blinked a little bit and it threw a 301 error code (Overcurrent sensor, but typically an inverter problem) . Second time it finished the startup cycle, it successfully started producing at about 3500 watts. Given that it’s 10:30 AM and clear outside, I’d expect it to be producing much higher than that. After the Data Logger booted, it started beeping regularly, flashing all 4 signal lights as red.

Tech support confirmed my suspicions. We checked the other power stages’ states and both were 306 (Insufficient PV Power, which is not the problem here). The inverter keeps clicking like it’s trying to activate the upper power stages, but is unsuccessful. He also said the Data Logger was likely dead.

Two solutions: We can pay to send the inverter back to be rebuilt, which only holds a 1 year warranty for the repaired parts, or buy a new inverter. Tech support said once all is said and done, we’d already be in for the cost of at least half a new inverter anyway. Most sensible solution is to buy the new inverter. As far as the Data Logger, most new inverters these days come with monitoring, so no worries there.

Solectria inverter power cycling

At issue is a Solectria (now owned by Yaskawa) PVI 85 KW inverter that’s turning off and on. I was able to witness it powering off and on in the morning when I got there, but as the day went on, it stayed on. Errors present are “Power Derated” and “AC Contact Open”.

Most recent was the AC contact open error, and very likely the main issue is the AC Contactor, but that “power derated” error makes me nervous that the DGMI is bad, too.

The unfortunate thing about the DGMI possibly being bad is that Yaskawa no longer replaces DGMIs.

It’s probably still likely that the contactor replacement is worth the risk. I’ll update as I know more.